Teaching English

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”
William Arthur Ward­

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014


What is ST. Patrick and what do people do?

Saint Patrick is celebrated on or around 17th March in Ireland and other countries around the world. What began as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland has become an international festival celebrating Irish culture with parades, dancing, special foods and a whole lot of green.

Saint Patrick information click on the image

videos and information of ST. Patrick's day


What do people do in this day?

This is the time when children decorate sweets and adults drink beers in the pub. People dress with green clothes, the dye the rivers with green color. Some restaurant make traditional Irish food. Even the buildings are in green color. 


3 comentarios:

  1. Hello Piedad have a huge desire to see what we will do today but it could be the targetas a little more careful
    by Sarah

  2. Hi, Teacher. Very interesting item to introduce our pupils in the british culture.
